Big Brother Mzansi
is in it’s third week and already, there seems to be a lot but not
limited to bitching, gossiping and alliances. The boys as well as the
girls seem to have reached some kind of understanding and of course this
in most cases in done to aid them get far in the game.
If you hadn’t noticed, Kat and Loko are
so close and Iris seems to have joined this little gang. Poolie and Jase
also seem to have a bromance of sorts.
The boys are all out to discover the
girls’ secrets and vice versa but it seems each camp is determined to
keep their respective secrets.
Meanwhile, Thando is convinced that HoH
Mzamo never saved her from possible eviction this week, she says that
she thinks he saved someone who he most probably thinks would be of much
importance to him in the near future as far as Big Brother Mzansi
Secrets is concerned.
Hmmm… did Mzamo really save Thando just
because of his big heart or did he also have some hidden plans? Whatever
way it is, we may actually never find out.
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