In the early afternoon, Big Brother
called HoH Mandla to the Diary Room and he was given instructions on how
they would take part in the first Arena challenge of the season.
There were to be two teams; Team A and
Team B. Team A would comprise of 7 housemates including the HoH, while
Team B would have only 6 housemates.
The team that would win the Arena games would be awarded by Big Brother on Saturday afternoon.
Once the Housemates arrived in the Arena,
they found thirteen tables lined up in a row, each with a shuffleboard
puzzle. The Housemates had to unscramble the puzzle in front of them and
reveal the Big Brother Mzansi logo. The first team to have its players complete their puzzles successfully would win today’s Arena Game.
Meanwhile Team A was disqualified for
contravening the game’s rules and thus Team B won the first Arena
Challenge, they will now be looking forward to Big Brother reward on
Saturday afternoon.
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