Biggie tests the housemates

Currently the general inside the house feeling is that Iris was an unexpected candidate for the girls with sexy Lexi displaying her utter disapproval for her and what she ironically viewed as a language barrier with the Iris. Kgosi was overwhelmed by the seemingly phony nature of hook-ups in the House.
However the most memorable session was that of MK, who after ranting over many a variety of details around the boys Valentines day surprise having been foiled by the girls, demanded an apology from Big Brother for appearing to favour the girls over the boys.
Mzamo entered into the Diary Room in a padded leather jumper. The fab lad confessed he felt that the decision to save and replace was hard on him. He said that it was hard to settle on a girl to save because he felt that most of them were strong and since MK felt he that his fans would save him, he had to be out up as replacement.
During their Diary Sessions, lola and Thando spoke out about the way the boys treated the girls concluding that it was unbecoming of men. Kat pleaded for just one peaceful day amongst the girls.
Are you okay with being tested by MK?
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