Biggie’s surprise to Sol on his birthday

While playing a game of basketball, Biggie called Sol’s name him into the House. The Housemates could be heard wondering out loud about the mysterious call into the House and not the Diary, but some could tell that Biggie was up to something.
When he entered into the house, Sol was surprised with the streetwise actor, who plays the character Skhaleni on Sol’s favorite drama soap Isibaya sitting across the lounge with a big box of cake to welcome bashful birthday boy Sol.
Delight was written all over Sol’s face as he expressed how much of a fan of the show and Skhaleni he is, even imitating some of the characters ‘kasi’ (township) manner and lingo. The sharp pair got on like gin and tonic on the rocks.
After he was joined by the rest of the housemates, Sol and his guest got the tea party underway as the cake, cut in the shape of a chocolate guitar to fit Sol’s passion for music, was devoured without reserve.
And before the Housemates got too familiar with the actor, dropped in from the outside world Big Brother summoned Skhaleni up and out.
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