Breaking News: Lola wants to leave the Big Brother Mzansi house

Beauty queen Lola told Big Brother that she wanted to leave the Big Brother Mzansi house in an emotional Diary Session.
She further told Biggie that the backstabbing and strategies were too much for her to handle and were making her feel paranoid and tearful, as a result, she was suffering from unmanageable panic attacks, this was all becoming a vicious circle.
In her explanation, Lola put it right that she’s too sensitive a soul to be in such a barbed environment. She has to take care of her health first and that meant leaving the House.
However Big Brother explained to a shaken Lola that there have to be preparations made for her to leave the House and he was very saddened upon hearing her news. He said he would give her a chance to think about her decision and told her to speak to her fellow Housemates first.
Lolo then thanked Biggie before she left the Diary Room to chat to the house (or rather Thando) about her latest decision of leaving the house.
We are going to miss you if you leave, Lola.
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