Breaking News: Sol & Kgosi Off To Paradise

Big Brother never runs out of ideas and he always has something new for his guests. In the early morning, he summoned Solo to the Diary room for a secret message: ”Sol, there is a Secret message for you from Queen Mermaid and island Princesses who await you. Wake Kgosi up and bring him to the Diary Room without anyone noticing, when you return, you will receive further instruction. Remember, don’t let anyone see you,” he explained.
Sol did as told and when they returned to the Diary room, they found a note on the LCD screen: “…use UV light to uncover the hidden footsteps that will lead you to the Vault where you will find the Secret Treasure Island; a place of everlasting enjoyment, peace and pleasure! Do not call or tell anyone about this as you are the chosen ones – if anyone finds out what you’re up to, this opportunity will be taken away from you immediately, and you will miss out on a delectable treat. This is to happen immediately!”
The twosome them followed the ultraviolet footsteps that led them to a painting underneath the staircase inscribed on “pull painting to open portal to the Vault”. The two went through the tunnel and immediately they were the other end, they were received by two island princesses, replete with grass Hula skirts and leis, they were received by Queen Mermaid who was reclining near the pool.
What a way to start off what may turn out to be a very eventful Thursday in the Big Brother Mzansi house. Meanwhile, back at the house, the gang were just wondering where Sol and Kgosi had disappeared to.
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