It must really hard to cope in an
environment like Big Brother’d especially if just after settling in, one
of your own is either evicted or swapped to another location. This is
the kind of situation the Chamber-mates have found themselves in lately
after the swapping of Kgosi to the main house.
Depression seems to have engulfed the
poor Chamber-mates and with the tensions building up among some of them,
this doesn’t sound well at all going the the little number occupying
the Chamber house.
There’s a ‘cold-war’
between Jenayne against Paris,Iris and Mbali and they seem not be
relating well lately. The Chamber-mates are even finding it hard to jump
out of bed every morning.
The depression bug also bit Nku when it
was time for her Diary Session yesterday. The feisty lass wept as she
confided in Biggie about missing her family.
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