Today in the afternoon, sexy Lexi did
bare her heart out in an intimate moment with some of her fellow
housemates. The beauty queen further expressed her distress with the
whole situation between her and Mandla to such a point that she even
shed tears .
While having a heated conversation in the
garden about relationships, the compass swayed in the direction, as it
would, of Mandla and Lexi as something of a leading couple inside
Biggie’s house.
The pair became a live example of the
kind of relationship that was up for topic, Lexi didn’t hesitate telling
her fellows how she would never go for Mandla simply because he’s not
her type.
Lexi later felt that she was too scathing
in her honesty while upstairs. Then Mzamo told her that it was a bit
hard to tell her frustration about Mandla because she was always
affectionate with him and could be seen to be leading him on.
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