Has Lexi Retreated Back To Her Shell?

Lexi is one person whose character will be hard to forget as far Big Brother Mzansi is concerned, the outspoken lass entered the house with her head high and since then she’s been speaking her mind and has never at any point been afraid of fellow housemates especially the ladies but currently, she seems to have gone back to her shell and one wonders whether she’s decided to tone down or re-strategize.
She also seems to be in a bad mood most of the times and in most cases her mood swings are determined by the relationships she has with other housemates inside the house. She has a rocky relationship with Kat and the two ladies hardly talk.
Lexi seems to be alone in the house with no one to turn too but one would say that she likes the way she’s carrying herself around the house without allies but we all know that at some point in the game she may need a shoulder to lean on.
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