Kgosi’s Fears Kick In

The thought of it being your final week in the Mzansi House does not always hit the housemates softly but rather devastates them and Kgosi seems to think so.
Immediately after the week’s nominees for possible eviction were anounced, Kgosi could not help himself preempt Mzamo’s ‘Save and Replace decission that is due to be revealed on Sunday. This he lamented to Sol as they took a breeze in the garden.
“Vanessa is out and I am in. I must make the best of my last week,” he said, as he stared into the distance. Sol listened intently but interjected with a view of his own. “I don’t know man. I don’t think so. I think you’ll make it. I think the viewer’s love you”. Kgosi is evidently way off the mark because Mzamo saved Thando and replaced her with MK.
Looks like paranoia is getting the best of our bespectacled friend, but can you blame him? Kgosi is the only Housemate (apart from Iris) who has stared possible Eviction in the face and has come out unscathed. Yet another walk on the Evictions plank would be too much, wouldn’t it?
Kat, Lexi, Loko, MK and Vanessa are all up for possible Eviction this week. Vote here to keep your favourite Housemate in the game.
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