Live Feed: Day 22

Time Check; 08:10: Housemates jump out of slumber-land and head to the garden to keep their bodies in shape courtesy of the morning exercises.
Time Check; 08:30: After the work out, the gossip queen Thando and Lola talk about Vanessa’s exit and Thando’s lucky escape.
Time Check; 08:45: Sol talks to Mzamo about a TV ad which he thinks it’s not up to standards while Loko doses.
Time Check; 08:50: Lexi shares with Mzamo about her throwback video which was played yesterday during the Live Show and the thought that she was leaving, Mzamo assures her that there was no way she was leaving yesterday.
Time Check; 08:55: Mzamo and Thando talk weight issues, Thando even tore her jeans and isn’t impressed at all.
Time Check; 09:05: Sol and Mandla are doing some ‘renditions’.
Time Check; 09:15: Lexi and Mzamo fill in Thando on American star singer Beyonce Knowels’s life.
Time Check; 09:08: Kat and Jase talk about their relationship and the tensions in the house.
Time Check; 09:25: Kat advises Jase that Big Brother is a game and no one should be trusted including herself.
Time Check; 09:40: Jase apologizes to Kat for screwing her while she tells him about her trials and tribulations that have shaped her into what she’s today.
Time Check; 10:00: Mandla  and Kgosi talk about Super powers and Kgosi emphasizes that too much of it corrupts.
Time Check; 10:05: Kgosi tells Mandla  that he needs a friend in the house and he feels he trusts Lexi, Mandla advises him to be straight forward and not feel bad about it.
Time Check; 10:15: Mandla congratulates Jase on having broken his eighteen days record of the longest period of time he has dated a girl.
Time Check; 10:35: Other Housemates wake up while Kat is busy in the kitchen.
Time Check; 11:10: It’s time for the Arena games and Jase briefs his team, if you must know, Kat is in his team too.
Time Check; 11:28: Jase’s team heads to the Arena.
Time Check; 12:00: The teams are busy trying to fill their barrels and fly their flags high.
Time Check; 12:15: Team (A) Jase wins the game. MK and Mandla lament about the fact that they’ve lost the Arena games three times in a row.
Time Check; 12:45: Loko cheers her Poolie on like a smitten cheer leader while Sol and Thando fall all over the imaginary waters below.
Time Check; 13:30: Thando tells Lola that she doesn’t feel good about Kat winning the immunity challenge.
Time Check; 13:35: Housemates receive condoms from Biggie.
Time Check; 14:35: Mamo and Thando have a chit-chat and beauty and brains.
Time Check; 14:56 Some of the Housemates engage each other in a conversation about child birth while Lola and Poolie cuddle in one another’s loving embrace upstairs.
Time Check; 15:30 The talkative Mandla and Sol quiet down to a scrumptious meal over lunch.
Time Check; 15:46 Sol, as the spokes person with the ‘most’ tact, makes a case to Biggie about the shortage of toilet paper.
Time Check; 15:48 Sol persuades Sol to confide in him about her relationship with Jase. She tells him Jase has been much too gullible in the game and that doesn’t sit well her.
Time Check; 16:02 Kat seems to be on a strategic mission to tell people spread the word about her and Jase’s dilemma.
Time Check; 16:30 Iris tells her life story and the drama in her love life to the Housemates.
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