Being surrounded by strong personalities and even bigger egos, being
banished to the bowels of the social hierarchy is an all-too-real
possibility. And no one is here for it!
Truth is if you don’t possess any kind of power or influence, your peers and the game will end up chewing you up and spit you right out like a stale piece of tobacco. Take fire-brand Lexi for example. The sassy Cape Townian has stirred the pot since her debut and whether her fellow Housemates like to admit it or not, she has them by the scruff of the proverbial neck.
Ever seen the interactions between her and everyone else? It’s like survey carried out in an abandoned minefield, what with all that tottering, tip-toeing and stop-starting. She’s a piece of work we must say and many can attest to this fact – but after all is said and done, this we will all remember. Then there’s Lola.
After ripping into Kgosi on Valentines Day and breaking down because “No one respects me in this House”, the stunner is showing signs that the game is starting to get to her. But could that really be the case? With everyone fighting for a position in front of the cameras and with the smell of R1 million lingering in the air, could she feel like her strategy the one she bore on entry, has suffered a set back and that its has not been as effective as she would have liked it to be?
Freaking out over a prank is a little dramatic, to say the least. Could this have been the moment she decided “It’s now or never”? If so, that was well played on her part because for a change, the focus over the last day or so, has been on her. Her girls Thando and Lexi fawned over her and managed to convince her to stay. Big Brother also gave her a bit of TLC in the Diary Room.
Strategies come in all shapes, sizes and forms and change with the direction of the wind. However, if we’re wrong and Lola is really at the end of her tether, you can be guaranteed a meltdown of epic proportions is coming in 4, 3, 2, 1…
Truth is if you don’t possess any kind of power or influence, your peers and the game will end up chewing you up and spit you right out like a stale piece of tobacco. Take fire-brand Lexi for example. The sassy Cape Townian has stirred the pot since her debut and whether her fellow Housemates like to admit it or not, she has them by the scruff of the proverbial neck.
Ever seen the interactions between her and everyone else? It’s like survey carried out in an abandoned minefield, what with all that tottering, tip-toeing and stop-starting. She’s a piece of work we must say and many can attest to this fact – but after all is said and done, this we will all remember. Then there’s Lola.
After ripping into Kgosi on Valentines Day and breaking down because “No one respects me in this House”, the stunner is showing signs that the game is starting to get to her. But could that really be the case? With everyone fighting for a position in front of the cameras and with the smell of R1 million lingering in the air, could she feel like her strategy the one she bore on entry, has suffered a set back and that its has not been as effective as she would have liked it to be?
Freaking out over a prank is a little dramatic, to say the least. Could this have been the moment she decided “It’s now or never”? If so, that was well played on her part because for a change, the focus over the last day or so, has been on her. Her girls Thando and Lexi fawned over her and managed to convince her to stay. Big Brother also gave her a bit of TLC in the Diary Room.
Strategies come in all shapes, sizes and forms and change with the direction of the wind. However, if we’re wrong and Lola is really at the end of her tether, you can be guaranteed a meltdown of epic proportions is coming in 4, 3, 2, 1…
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