The Boys Vs the Girls

Since Big Brother Mzansi began, the boys have seemed to be ruling almost in everything, including some of the social dynamics in the house and as modern as the ladies in Biggie’s house were, they really seemed to be lacking the very important element of girl power.
The number one most noteworthy instance was when the ladies couldn’t guess the boys Secret to save a life let alone their spot in the House. While the boys couldn’t quite crack their Secrets either, their loss set the tone for many strategic moments in the game where the ladies peppered the sidelines while the boys stole the show.
Since there was ever a Head of House for this season of Big Brother Mzansi a girl hasn’t quite made the cut. The post has always been snatched up by the boys with Mandla and Jase clocking it, Mzamo stealing it from under the ladies noses not once but twice.
While a case might be made for Mzamo’s effeminate ways that’s shame on the girls from whichever side of the fence you fall.
Some of the girls had gone on to complain that the Tasks had favoured the boys in their mostly physical requirements.
They protested that Tasks usually handed the advantage over to the boys. Since we all know Biggie sets his challenges out fairly and squarely, these dames had better come up with a better excuse or how about they started kicking some serious butt and taking names already.
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